BLOOM WORKSHOP: Courage Compass
Saturday Apr 27, 2024 01:15 PM
Saturday, Apr 27, 2024 02:00 PM
Bloom Workshop: Courage Compass - Navigating Fear to Forge your Future with Emily Huston
In this workshop, embark on a shared journey to confront and understand our deepest fears, and learn how they can guide us toward our true purposes. This interactive session will delve into the underpinnings of fear and courage, highlighting common cognitive distortions that cloud our perceptions and impede our actions. Participants will acquire practical tools to identify and challenge these distortions, effectively clearing the path for more rational and empowering thoughts. 

Through a series of guided discussions, reflective exercises, and strategic planning, each participant will craft a personalized game plan to advance bravely in the direction of their aspirations. By the end of our time together, the concept of fear will shift from a daunting obstacle to a valuable compass pointing toward growth and fulfillment. Join us to discover how embracing what scares us can unlock our potential and lead us to the life we desire.

Workshop Leader Bio:
With a graduate degree in counseling psychology and a diverse professional background that includes roles in prestigious private family offices and nonprofit clinical settings, Emily brings a unique blend of psychological insight and robust operational expertise. Her career is characterized by a profound commitment to building both people and programs. As a former elite USA athlete and a seasoned global citizen who has lived in multiple countries, she embodies grit, empathy, and diversity of perspective. Beyond her professional pursuits, she is a passionate youth volunteer volleyball coach, promoting a growth mindset and resilience both on and off the court. Her love for the outdoors and the world’s landscapes inspires and humbles her, fueling her pursuit of personal and professional growth in a world that never stops changing.

We are excited to offer Bloom attendees four wonderful workshops to choose from. Pick a workshop that fits your own interests or development goals for a rewarding Bloom experience!

  • Make sure you are registered on the main event page for Bloom Wellness Retreat first before signing up for a workshop.
  • You can only sign up for 1 workshop. If you are not signed up for a workshop before Bloom, you will be placed based on available spots.
See the other Bloom Workshops: Communicate with ConfidencePersonal BrandingSomatic Harmony
555 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park CA 94025
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Gee, Sara

Huston, Emily

Kim, Anne

Li, Echo

Ly, Linda

Marvin, Natasha

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