Quantity Price Name

Starry Night Sponsorships

online sales closed $5,000.00 Incandescent - Benefits: One complimentary event table for eight (8); half-page ad in Piper; logo on event webpage and signage; recognition on social media (Facebook and Instagram) and in League eNews, recognition in Piper magazine.
online sales closed $2,500.00 Dazzling - Benefits: Four (4) complimentary event tickets; quarter-page ad in Piper; logo on event webpage and signage; recognition on social media (Facebook and Instagram) and in League eNews, recognition in Piper magazine.
online sales closed $1,000.00 Brilliant - Benefits: Two (2) complimentary event tickets; logo on event webpage and signage; recognition on social media (Facebook and Instagram) and in League eNews, recognition in Piper magazine.
online sales closed $500.00 Luminous - Benefits: One (1) complimentary event ticket; logo on event webpage and signage; recognition on social media (Facebook and Instagram) and in League eNews, recognition in Piper magazine.